NPISTANBUL Hospital is the first private hospital to receive Addiction Center license given the quality of treatment, service and security.
Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital, which is the first private hospital in the field of neuropsychiatry of Turkey, received Addiction Center license from the Ministry of Health. In this regard, we can use some special medicines that are used in the field of addiction.
Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Assoc. Prof. Onur Noyan stated that the Ministry of Health started to give Addiction Center permission to private institutions. He also said “We are the first JCI accredited private psychiatric hospital to receive the Addiction Center license in Turkey as a private hospital. It is an important development in this respect. On the other hand, the state’s Addiction Centers are not enough. Both in physical respect and as staff capacity… So it is important to give these permissions to private hospitals. There are advantages to being accepted by Addiction Center . For example, there were some special medicines written in Addiction Center . Up until today, the psychiatrist was not able to write these drugs. The drugs that were used especially in the treatment of heroin addiction. We can now prescribe these drugs. The license is very importance in this respect.”
NPAMATEM Treatment Facilities
Assoc. Prof. Onur Noyan from Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital, explained the differences in this area as follows:
“This is the first private Addiction Center approved, JCI accredited psychiatric hospital that is put into service… Therefore, it is necessary to follow the criteria and quality standards. You know, some types of unwanted events can occur in hospitals where such patients are treated. Things like bringing drugs to the hospital… There was no such problem in our hospital until today. When the patient arrives in the hospital, a detailed body search is carried out. There is a 24-hour camera system in each room. We also use unbreakable glass as material. Everything is considered for patient safety.”
Patients feel like they are at home and are treated as if they are on vacation. They do sports. As we are a private hospital, we need to balance security and comfort. We are also successful in this regard.
Another difference is in terms of families and patients. If the patient is involuntary in treatment and is unaware about the disease, we prioritize the physician’s and families’ remarks instead of patient’s motivation. We have the first psycho emergency ambulance team in Turkey and we can bring the patient to the hospital by assisting from home wherever in Turkey.
On the other hand, we have an advanced toxicology laboratory. We have special devices that doesn’t exist at any other center in Turkey. We do our toxicology scans with this machine, that affirmation is not needed afterwards.
We can look at the blood levels of almost all the molecules our patients use in psychiatry. We are studying phenotype and genotype. Therefore, we can provide special drug treatment for addiction.
NPAMATEM Treatment Facilities 2
We have a slightly different approach to the psychotherapy process during the treatment period. We also obtain a different approach as we use a point system that improves the motivation of the hospitalized patients. Another feature that is not available in other hospitals is that, there is a personalized doctor for each patient with personalized treatment therefore the patient has one doctor in the policlinic and a different one in the hospital. There is also another psychologist in the service. Psychotherapy sessions are organized at least once in every two days. There are addiction group therapies. We also provide education to the families free of charge.”
Addiction Center serves its patients with a multidisciplinary approach. Evidence based and patient driven individualized therapy is applied. The treatment is conducted with joint work of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. The treatments are offered with leading experts in the field of addiction.
In addition to treatment, preventive services and understanding of rehabilitation are also important. Drug treatment, individual and group therapies as well as family and marriage therapy are applied to every treated patient. It is the only center in Turkey where additional psychiatric illnesses related to addiction are treated in a separate service. The most advanced technologies in the world are used in Advanced Toxicology Laboratory to determine whether the patient is using the substance during the treatment.
Advanced Toxicology Laboratory is accepted as a reference institution in Turkey. After inpatient treatment, preparation of treatment plans, follow-up, structured, personalized drug treatment as well as psychosocial treatment and rehabilitation continue.
Our services to make the treatment of our patients more effective in our addiction clinics:
Good morning Meetings
The reason to conduct good morning meetings is to learn how their previous days have been, to go over the important events, issues, their daily targets and how they feel about themselves.
The meetings are held with the doctor, psychologist and nurses as a whole team to understand the patient and analyze the process.
The visit is held with the doctor, psychologist and nurses of the patient.
Council Visit
A council visit is held with the participation of all our treatment team one day in a week. During these visits, we initiate detailed discussions of our patients and the advanced treatment options that can be applied.
Interaction Groups
- Interaction group sessions held three days a week contain different topics.
- Session titles are as follows:
- Communication Skills
- Recognition of anger and ways of coping
- Recognition of stress and ways of coping
- “I know” knowledge contest
- Change Cycle
- Awareness breathing session – Reflection
- Impulse Control and Development of Emotional Abilities
- Triangulation Point
- Addiction Group Therapy
- The SAMBA program is practiced by expert psychologists every day of the week.
Painting Therapy
It is applied with our psychologists and ergotherapists in scheduled times of the week.
Sport Therapy
It is practiced with a personal coach in scheduled times of the week.
Ebru Therapy
It is applied with our psychologists and ergotherapists in scheduled times of the week. Our therapists are evaluating individual studies of our patients.
Music Therapy
It is applied with our psychologists and musicians in scheduled times of the week. The session is terminated with an awareness breathing session.
Handcraft Sessions
It is applied with our psychologists and ergotherapists in scheduled times of the week. Our therapists are evaluating individual studies of our patients.
Wood Painting Sessions
It is applied with our psychologists and ergotherapists in scheduled times of the week. Our therapists are evaluating individual studies of our patients.